summer classes from tueller school of dance

Benefits of Summer Dance

  • Keep progressing!
  • Improve your technique
  • Strengthen your turns and leaps
  • Learn fun combos

Summer Dance Session 2024

‘There are shortcuts to Happiness and Dancing is one of them!’ 

Summer classes begin Tues. June 18th and are held on Tues. and Wed.  

There will be NO CLASSES July 2nd & 3rd and July 9th &10th – the studio will be closed as we will be attending LADM Nationals in Calif. 

Also no classes on Wed. July 24th due to the Holiday, make up classes will be held on Thurs. July 25th that week. 

Last day of Summer Workshop will be Wed. July 31st

Class Schedule:

10-10:50 Pre-school, choose a day Tues. or Wed. or do both

10-11am Kindergarten, 1st 2nd grade, Dancers doing Performing must attend both days, non performers choose a day Tues. or Wed. or do both 

11-12:30 3rd- 5th grade, Performers attend both days, non performers choose a day Tues. or Wed. or do both

12:30-2pm Freshies and Tuellerettes, must attend both days


45.min/1 hr. a week $70 for 5 week session or $15 a lesson

2 hrs a week  $140 for 5 week session or $15 a lesson

3rd-5th 1 1/2 hr. a week $90 for 5 week session or $20 a lesson

3rd-5th twice  $180 for 5 week session or $20 a lesson

Freshie/Tuellerette classes- twice a week $180 for 5 week session or $20 a lesson

Join us by registering thru email or call the studio (435)752-9154


Dancers can wear any dance clothes of their choosing to summer workshop. 

Pre-school/Kindergarten dancers need pink ballet shoes. A black tank leotard & black tap shoes will be used in the fall classes. 

Joining Performing: As is our policy if your dancer would like to do competitive dance with us next year they are required to attend summer classes and to begin fall classes when we begin in Aug. 

We have a parent meeting early Sept. for new parents joining performing to go over what is involved and expected for Performing/Competitive dancers for the year. 

Academy Auditions -will take place the last week of Summer Workshop on July 30th & 31st after classes, times TBA.  If you are interested in joining Academy there will be a Parent Meeting Tues July 23rd at the studio at 6:30pm to talk about what is involved in Academy. 

Fall Classes – will begin week of Aug 19th. We will have a complete schedule out in July- it will be posted on our website and emailed out. 



To register call the studio at 435-752-9154 or email us at
dance school logan utah


521 1/2 North Main St.
Logan, UT 84321
(435) 752-9154

Tueller School of Dance